Saturday 15th of June 2024
Open house June 21 and 22, 2024, program and information here
The Concours rose garden is open to the public from mid-June to the end of October, Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm

Launch of the NYON ZERO TREATMENT label
“NYON ZERO TREATMENT” is a new label created by the Concours International de la Rose Nouvelle de Nyon to promote the most resistant roses that can be grown without any chemical or biological treatment. This label is dedicated to breeders whose new creations have won awards at the Nyon Competition. Varieties that have won a distinction in Nyon will thus be able to be identified in catalogues in order to highlight their resistance in a garden without treatment.

Technical evaluation
The new varieties registered in the competition are divided into six categories: Tea Hybrids, Grouped Flowers, Miniatures, Landscape Roses, Ground Covers and Climbers.
The development of the new rose varieties is judged seven times between May of the year of planting and June of the following year by a permanent panel of 10 garden rose specialists.
In mid-June in the year following planting, an international jury, made up of keen rose growers and specialists, will give their verdict on the day of the International Trial, following the same criteria.
The average of the scores from the permanent jury (60%) and the average of the scores from the international jury (40%) allow the awarding of medals and certificates, if the scores attain the relevant levels. The climbing roses and landscape roses have an additional year of judging before the international jury assesses them.
For a Gold Medal, the variety must obtain a minimum of 73 points, for a Silver Medal this is beween 68 and 72 points, for a Certificate of Merit, between 63 and 6 points.
The variety that is awarded the most points, in any category, will win the Rose d’Or de Nyon (the Golden Rose of Nyon.) An independent jury of three perfumers (noses) will award the Coupe du Parfum (Fragrance Award.)
Why a rose jury in Nyon ?
Roses have been, for millennia, the most popular of flowers. They can be found in a huge number of countries, either in their indigenous or cultivated forms.
Garden roses have been the subject of an enormous amount of research. The current rose breeders in Europe, North and South America, in Asia and Australasia create dozens of new varieties every year, destined to embellish parks and gardens,
Since 2015, there has no longer been an international rose trial in Switzerland. The Municipality of the Ville de Nyon has accepted the challenge of organising this prestigious trial, unique in Switzerland.
Thus, under the auspices of the World Federation of Rose Societies, Switzerland has found its place again, among the organisers of rose trials such as Paris, Baden-Baden, Madrid, Rome, Monaco, Belfast, Tokyo and Adelaide.
International trials of new roses test the value of new varieties, judging in particular, the vigour of the plant, the flowering, the natural resistance to pests and diseases, the decorative aspect and the fragrance.
The trial is closely allied with a policy of land development, the protection of the environment and the beautification of towns, villages and private properties. By being located in a space that is temporarily open to the public, the trial can help to raise awareness among the inhabitants about the evolution of nature, plants and cultural techniques.
By their initiative, the Municipality of Nyon is contributing to the active development of an environment that promotes plants that are naturally resistant to pests and diseases. In this regard, the rules of the Nyon trial specify, and this is the only trial in the world to do this, that all chemical and biological treatments are prohibited.
The organising committee of the International Competition of the New Rose of Nyon aims to put in place the necessary framework conditions for the organisation of a high quality trial and to take care of the contacts with the professional breeders as well as with several authorities of the World Federation of Rose Societies and with the Société Romande des Amis des Roses et de l’Horticulture.
Who we are
The organising committee of the International Competition of the New Rose of Nyon aims to put in place the necessary framework conditions for the organisation of a high quality trial and to take care of the contacts with the professional breeders as well as with several authorities of the World Federation of Rose Societies and with the Société Romande des Amis des Roses et de l’Horticulture.
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